Dtamnak Sak Yant Ajarn Nuad
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Ajarn Nuad can be found in Lad Praw road soi number 71 in Bangkok – his sak yant are extremely clear and detailed. Here is his name and adress in Thai for you to print and give to Taxi – this should be sufficient to find him by arriving in soi 71 and getting the taxi to ask the locals in the soi where the Dtamnak is situated (A Samnak is a large office in a temple, whereas a small office in a dwelling is called a Dtamnak).
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I shall be posting more info, adress in English and Thai with google map directions soon.
This Video shows Ajarn Nuad in Action tattooing sak yant.
Ajarn Nuad Gallery
- Sak Yant tattoos from Wat bang Pra