Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos – The Sacred Geometry of Buddhist Yantra, tattooed into the skin using magical incantations and Khmer Sanskrit prayers and magic spells to endow the wearer with supernatural protection, luck in love and business, wealth and good fortune. Sak Yant has been the core subject of website galleries and blogs/forums since the beginning. But now i wish to expand in indcrease the content and quality of the content to include other topics, such as Saiyasart, Buddha magic, Sacred Amulets and their creation methods, Animist practices..
- Looksit at the Wai Kroo Ajarn Ord Kalasin
- Khong Khuen Por Gae Lersi Dta Fai
- Tattooed Monk of Wat Bang Pra
- Tattoo instruments at WBP temple
In order to be able to dedicate more time to investigation and writing and less time tattooing, i found i would nee to publish manuscripts and e-books in order to finance my time. This will allow me to write much more detailed information and present info which has never before been translated into English before.
Sak Yant website and blog, galleries, forums are being redesigned to try to offer more interactivity, as well as trying to streamline the site, making it easier to navigate. Some sections will remain permanent as pages 9the basic info about Yant and sak yant) and some pages (the Ruesi legends) will be moved to a different site concerning only the Ruesi.
This Sak Yant Blog Section is for now the main page , but will give way to the sak yant forums i plan to redevelop to incorporate a way of using galleries and forum together.. im still working on it.
Apart from the pages about sak yant and the sak yant blog section, i plan to start publishing on the subjects of amulets and other forms of Buddha Magic and Animism in Thailand. In addition i shall be releasing three types of e-magazine publications at periodic intervals (probably three a year of each type). One Magazine will be on Buddha magic in General, the second will be about Sak Yant ,and the third will be about Sacred Amulets.
You can go to the E-Publications page here on Sak-Yant dot com to see which publications are already released.
Go to E-Publications Section
My First Publication is “Sak Yant Buddhist Tattoos, Animist Magic, Spirit Possession” which is an E-Book of 298 pages with full color pictures and detailed information about Sak Yant, Sacred Geometry, Khom Sanskrit, Amulet creation methods, Kata (mantras) chanting for Yant and amulets, and many peripheral topics surrounding Sak Yant and Buddha Magic. This publication is now released and on sale as a pdf download on the e-publications page.
I shall be adding some new and more interesting than ever before posts here on the blog in the coming month, some of which shall be tasters from my upcoming publications.I feel it is fair to share the most important basic information for free, and make the detailed and less interesting to all but those seriously studying the topic available as e-publication manuscripts which can be collected and assembled into your own personal Magical Grimoires
Blog posts are now on the front page of, or can be searched using the tags or categories. Most important info about Sak Yant Thai Temple tattoos are in the pages section which is accessible through the navigation bar on the top of the page. Sak-Yant dot com is about to take on a new shape and present more quality documentation and info which is being made possible by the sale of the e-publications.
It is possible that if i find a way to integrate forums and galleries then i shall make that the front page instead of the blog section.
Please always return to the e-publications page about once every 60 days to see if there are any new e-magazines or books available.