Enjoy a collection of different sak yant tattoos made by Ajarn Lek of Wat Thung Sethee.
I do not know this master but I do know this temple, The abbot of which, I can say to be a truly grumpy and disagreeable old fart, who showed behavior noteworthy of any ordained monk as I met him many years ago. I lived very close to this temple for half a decade, and know the abbot personally (to my dismay!).
I therefore admire the Sak Yant work of Ajarn Lek, But must add from my personal point of view that the temple in which he is to be found is a complete shambles and a far from what Buddhism is supposed to be, with a very unkind and unpleasant Abbot who us a megalomaniac for worshippers and likes to show off powers in Public, something which the Buddha did not approve of and forbade his Bhikkhus to do. This particular Sak Yant salon is in a Temple of Low repute that is initially orientated on peeling the public of their money. I would think that this Ajarn would be better off somewhere else in order to not get some of the bad name of this temple rubbing off on him. The temple is called Wat Thung Sethee. I dont advise to go there.