Yant Maha Ud

ยันต์มหาอุด Yant Maha Ud

Maha Ud means “Great Blocker” – “Block in the sense that we can block a pipe or fill something up into an empty vessel. This phrase is used to indicate that the barrel of a gun is blocked and should become incapable of firing due to it being “corked like a bottle” by the power of the Yantra. The Maha Ud Yantra is believed to have the Power to stop Guns from Firing, by blocking the barrel with a Magical Spell embedded within the Yant both with the use of Khom Agkhara Sacred Script Inscriptions, as well as with meditative Psychic Empowerments accompanied with Pra Breath energy being blown upon the Yantra, be it Tattooed in the Skin, or Inscribed upon an Amulet, Yant cloth or Takrut Foil..

Yant Maha Ud - Gunstopper Yantra

The Kata for this Yant above is; Na Ja Udtang Adtoe Na Ja

Yant Maha Ud

Kata reads “Pa Wa Hae”. This abbreviated version of Yant Maha Ud is often inscribed on lead plate (which can then be rolled into a Takrut if you like) . Apart from protection against gunshots, it also prevents illnesses. The Kata should be chanted 108 times.

Kata for Maha Ud and Kong Grapan

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