Yant Paya Nakarach Naga King Yant
This Yant can be inscribed onto “Paa Phrajiad” (cloth used for Yant),It is a Blessing and also “Klaew Klaad” along with “Maetthaa Mahaaniyom” Once inscribed you should chant the Kata that is written in the Yant (unfortunately the copy i have of this is too small to be able to read, so i cannot reveal the kata yet as i haven’t learnt this one yet).

Yant Paya Naka Racha
Considering it is a Knotwork yant, and therefore sealed, it should posess “Maha Ud” qualities – meaning that it is a gunstopper/silencer (as in Yant Luk Dtagror). The fact that it has 8 outer points suggests a relation to the Idtibiso and Iracha Katas, used in Paed Daan, Paed Tidt, Grao Paetch (diamond armour yantra), and many other Sacred Yant. The eight points also represent the 8 fold path of Buddhism, which is seen as the path to escape suffering and attain liberation.
A short one line Kata for this is