Ajarn Sak in Hat Yai, South Thailand

Ajarn Prasit is an Ajarn Sak of Wat Chang Hai lineage based in Hat Yai, South Thailand. I was lucky enough to find a poster on in Hat Yai as i was rushing to do Penang, but unluckily was not able to find time to visit him, which i hope to do next time i go. For now at least i can publish his Contact details, as well as a picture of the poster i saw, which of course i ripped off the wall as i did not have a camera with me at the time…

Wai Kroo Ajarn Lao

Ajarn Lao - Sak Yant Master

Ajarn Laos Master Day Ceremony 2010. ??????? ??????? ??? ??????????
I have recieved information saying that Ajarn Lao is celebrating his Wai Kroo ceremony on the 14th of February this year – although i havent been able to confirm this. Ajarn Lao is one of the more elusive Ajarn to find and does not seem to market himself much, resulting in it being difficult to keep tabs on his whereabouts.He is normally pendling between Singapore and Bangkok so it is never sure where he is at any particular time unless you are one of his looksit.