Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos
Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos, are made by Buddhist Monks, Brahman Masters and Ruesi ascetics. A place where Sak Yant is made, is called a Samnak Sak Yant (if a temple or a very large establishment), or “Dtamnak” (if a smaller establishment with one Master). Sak-Yant dot com presents a compendium of knowledge, info and galleries about Sak Yant Thai Buddhist/Animist temple tattoos, Saiyasart (Thai Occultism) Buddha Magic, Kata (mantras), and Sacred Magical Buddhist Amulets.
Sak Yant (Yantra Tattooing) is now an International Phenomenon, with hundreds of Samnak Sak Yant around South-East Asia, and even in Western Countries. However, to preserve the roots and tradition and to recognize the cause of this massive phenomenon known as Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos, we should pay respect to the source of the increase in popularity on a massive scale, namely, by recognizing the greatest of all Sak Yant Masters of Historical fame; Luang Por Phern Tidtakuno, and the Sak Yant Monks of Wat bang Pra, in Nakorn Pathom Province.
Luang Por Phern Tidtakuno (Wat Bang Pra)
As is only fitting for those interested in learning about Sak Yant, we would like to draw your attention to Luang Por Phern Tidtakuno (Wat Bang Pra) – We would like to pay Respects and Devotion, to the Great Master, without whom, most Sak Yant Masters of the present day, would not enjoy the fame and success which they do, for if it was not for Luang Por Phern, it is doubtfuil that Sak Yant would have experienced such a Popular and International Revival – for it is true that in the 1980s and 90s, Sak Yant was almost an exclusively Thai phenomenon with only some extreme or niche interest people (such as Muay Thai Fighters, and certain Devotees from South east asia, who travelled there, in the days before the place became such an Internationally famous tattoo temple.
Luang Por Phern Tidtakunoe is the Beloved Guru of hundreds of Sak Yant Masters and Hundreds of Thousands (if not Millions) of Devotees, who believe in his great Purity and Kindness, and Power of Wicha Sak Yant. Since his passing, the Wicha has been passed on to a few Masters from Luang Por Phern himself, but there are a large number of Masters who claim his lineage but who have not recieved any true Transmission of Wicha from or through the Master Lineage Transmission of Luang Por Phern. Not all Masters are direct Lineage Transmission, with many of the newer and younger Sak Yant makers having arrived after the passing of Luang Por Phern, and hence do not possess direct transmission, as do some of the older Masters who were directly practicing under the surveillance and supervision of Luang Por Phern.
One direct Lineage Master who is a First Looksit (first generation apprentice) and directly recieved the Wicha from Luang Por Phern in person, is of course his Top Disciple ‘Luang Pi Pant’ who is also now now Grand Master of the Lineage of Luang Por Phern as far as Sak Yant is concerned.
Despite being the Current Lineage Transmission Holder of Wicha Sak Yant of Luang Por Phern, Luang Pi Pant is no longer resident at wat Bang Pra (he did not wish to remain after the passing of his Beloved Master), and is now at Wat Ko Poon in Singhburi. He now continues the Luang Por Phern Sak Yant Tradition at Wat Ko Poon.
Ajarn Ord (Kalasin)
Another Master of the Non-Ordained Type, who is considered direct Initiation Lineage Master, is Ajarn Ord of Kalasin, who remains practicing after the passing of his Kroo Ba Ajarn Ajarn Bunmee, who was a very close apprentice to Luang Por Phern.

Luang Pi Pant – Wat Ko Poon Luang Pi Pant – Sak Yant Master of Wat Ko Poon, and Original Lineage Master of Wat Bang Pra, through direct transmission from Luang Por Phern.
Above; Wai Kroo pics (Master Day) from Samnak Ajarn Ord (Kalasin)
- Luang Por Phern Tidtakuno – Sak Yant Master of Wat Bang Pra
- Close up of the Hand and Needle of Ajarn Kob of Ayuttaya – Photo by Dan White (R.I.P.)
- Yant Paya Tao Ruean – Great Turtle Yantra – excellent auspicious blessings, riches, treasures (Pokasap), health and long life from this Yantra as well as Kong Grapan. Photo; Ajarn Man Anusas
- Heavenly Bird Yant
- Por Gae Lersi Dern Dong
- Yant Pra Sivali
- Yant Suea Koo Liaw Hlang (double tigers turning backwards)
- Yant Suea Liaw Hlang (Ajarn Pi Bang Grating)
- Ajarn Spencer – Sak Yant on Woody
- Yant Suea Payak Hua Khad
- Yant Paetch Payatorn
- Yant Paya Krut
- Yant Lersi
- Yant Hongs Tong
- Khong Khuen on Wai Kroo day
- Luang Por Phern Wai Kroo at Samnak Sak Yant of Ajarn Ord
- Ajarn Ord (Kalasing)
- Yant Suea Koo Maha Amnaj
- Yant Pra Rahu on stomach
- Yant Suea Hliaw Hlang
- Wai Kroo Lersi
- Khong Khuen
- Khong Khuen Spirit Possession
- Wai Kroo wat Bang Pra
- Wat bang Pra Temple Vihara Shrine – this shrine is to your right when you enter the temple, just in front of the mausoleum and the Uposadha Chapel.
- Looksit Luang Por Phern
- Khong Khuen on Master Day
- Luang Pi Phaew of Wat Bang Pra
- Devotee of Sak Yant
- Tiger Rising (Khong Khuen)
- Descending from the Dais at Wat Bang Pra
- Wang Pra Master Day
- Luang Por Phern statue WBP
- Entrance to WBP
- Por Gae possession
- Me getting Sak Yant Gao Yord by LP Pant 1997
- Descending from Vihara
- Sak Yant Paya Hongs Tong
- Sak Yant Paya Hongs Tong
- Yant Hongs Tong (Swan)
- Sak Yant by Ajarn Nuad
- Sak Yant on Monk by Luang Pi Pant
- Kong Grapan Chadtri test of invincibility against sharp weapons. In truth, an Ordained Monk such as this one, is forbidden to perform such activities and shows of power, and is breaking the Buddhist Canon by doing so. However, it is commonplace practice in Thailand, where most Bhikkhus are more interested in Magick, than Enlightenment.
- Luang Por Phaew (Wat bang Pra)
- Ajarn Spencer Littlewood – shows his Pot-Pourri of Sak Yant Thai Temple Tattoos – taken at the Samnak of Luang Pi Pant at Wat Koh Poon in 2007
- Spencer and Luang Pi Pant 1998
- Yant Paya Krut Song Nak
- The crowd of devotees on Wai Kroo (Master Day) at Wat bang Pra
- Wai Kroo Wat Bang Pra
- Khong Khuen – Animist Spirit Possession
- Khong Khuen Payakka
- Possessed with the Spirit
- Monks under Parasols Wat bang Pra
- Spiritual Rapture
- Looksit on Wai Kroo
- The Masses on Master Day
- Wai Kroo wat bang Pra (Luang Por Phern)
- Yant Paetch Payatorn Animist Lingam Yantra Tattoo
- LP Toy W.B.P.
- Looksit at the Wai Kroo Ajarn Ord Kalasin
- Tattooed Monk of Wat Bang Pra
- Khong Khuen Por Gae Lersi Dta Fai
- Tattoo instruments at WBP temple
- Ajarn Nuad – Sak yant Laymaster and Lineage Master of Wat Bang Pra
- Luang Pi Toy performing pre Wai Kroo Lersi mask ceremony (Khorb Kroo)
- Yant Pra Pikanes (Ganesha Yantra Tattoos)
- Yant Paed Tidt 8 directions Yantra Tattoo
- Yant Dtakaap Centipede Yantra Tattoos
- Yant Paya Rachasri Phoen
- Various Sak YTant Tattoos
- Yant Hanuman Haw Pen Daw Pen Duean (Hanuman Yawning the Moon and Stars
- Sak Yant Siarn Por Gae Ruesi Dta Fai
- Suea Hua Khad – Beheaded Tiger
- Yant Look Takror – This Yant is very popular and traditional for Muay Thai fighters to wear on their skin.
- Yantra shirt from Wat Bang Pra – used to wear when entering into battle.
- Yantra shirt – used to wear when entering into battle.
- Sacred Yantra vest for protection
- Suea Yant Kong Grapan
- Sak Yant Hanuman (Left) and Kon Tan (right) by Ajarn Hlek Dam
- Rama shooting the Magical Weapon
- Pra Ram Pleng Sorn Song Krut
- Torso found with no rotting in the area where Sak yant was made on the skin
- Sak Yant Gao Yord by Luang Pi Pant – this was my (Ajarn Spencer) first Sak Yant tattoo, which is traditional and according to the Dtamra Sak Yant, for this is the Yant Kroo (master Guru yantra) of Luang Por Phern, and should indeed be the first tattoo you recieve before any other Sak Yant.
Please click on each image to read the commentaries or comments i have added to each picture, which lets his gallery serve as sub pages which can be added to as i wish to or have more infos, and function as pages in themselves. This is the only gallery i shall constantly add text info to as i develop it, as this is now the main landing page of, and thus will be worth extending for people to revisit. It will also prevent the main homepage from getting boring. So please view all the images, and see how i have started something on each page to begin with, and will add more info to each image as i go along. For example i will try to insert the addresses of any Ajarn pictured etc.
Please surf the site using the pages tabs on the top of the page or the pages links on the side navigation, to research and read our massive collection of info and picture galleries on the topic of Sak Yant. Sak Yant is just one single medium for the application of Thai sacred Geometry, which is also applied to metal plate and scrolls (Tagrud) and cloth and clothing (Pha Yant and Suea Yant), as well as invisible inscription, upon peoples heads using magical instruments.
There is a large number of pages and blog articles as well as image galleries for you to gather info about Sak yant Buddhist tattoos and Buddha Magic (my term for all forms of Thai Mystical, Spiritual or Occult practice, be it Buddhist, Animist, or Brahman). To increase your knowledge i may suggest purchasing one or some of my E-Publications on Sak Yant, Sacred Amulets, and Buddha Magic in Thailand – all of my publications go through the store secure https server a service offered by’s ecwid project, which is accepted by and trusted with all major credit card companies. Instant download after payment completion is given through account login page, which you can see after signing up using the below store, or going to Both stores are the same store, so it does not matter which one you use to sign up with
How Sak Yant Entered my Life
The Story of Sak Yant as far as my Journey was concerned, began at what is perhaps nowadays and also back then the ‘Mecca’ of Sak Yant; Wat Bang Pra Temple >>>>
After this, i was led to years of self study and conference with various Masters of the Magical Arts and Sak Yant Masters, as well as having regular bouts of disappearance to the forest to hang out in temples and learn what Buddhism and the Dhamma practice was really about, which led to be the most frustrating, difficult, and rewarding experience of my whole life.
This resulted in me becoming completely dedicated to the single goal of finding a way for people of all religions and philosophies to find the way to see the Dhamma and awaken, as did the Buddha. My secondary goal whilst waiting to die, is to collect and preserve as much information about the various Wicha and Magical arts in Thailand as i can for those who do not speak Thai to be able to begin and continue further research in this most fascinating subject and indeed way of life that is so full of Magic.
Sak Yant Thai Buddhist (and Animist/Brahman) tattoos are one of the many facets of Buddha Magic, but only one. There are many mediums for the application of Magical or Miraculous energy,be it tattoos or other surfaces with sacred geometry, or anciient spells in forgotten languages, amulets and charms.. the list is almost endless of the variety of magical practices, spells and paraphernalia which are in current everyday common use in Thailand, when those in the Western World live in an Environment almost Devoid of the true presence of Magic, or the belief in it. Whereas here, Magic is alive and in your face every day, and you can feel it. I think the only other places i felt the same magic was in India and Nepal, exept in Nepal and India, i felt the magic in the air around me, whereas in Thailand you don’t notice it like that, you notice it when you find out it is real and begin to have faith, and then is when you find out from within. Knowing from within is always superior to knowing from without, for it is knowledge one has acquired through ones own insights. Knowledge obtained from without can never be a true and trustworthy article of faith, for one is dependent on the word of others, which is tantamount to Blind faith.
The Buddha warned us against blind Faith, and said we should never believe anything even if said in an ancient book or by some great master. But if it makes sense and is true, then it should be believed, only then.
If Magic does not seem logical, you are right, it is not, no.
If you have never practiced Dhyana Meditation, and reached the Formless states of mind, then this aspect of how magic works will not appear clear or probable. This does not mean do not believe. It means you must try to find the ability to sense and perceive the magical forces, and if possible to attain that state, then you will know for yourself if it is real or not, and only then.